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Khya Brooks
Co-author of Good Geography NSW Stages 4 and 5
Khya has over 9 years’ experience teaching Geography in NSW public schools as a
classroom teacher and as the head of a Social Science faculty. Through her teaching
career, she has led the development and refinement of Geography programs that have
resulted in a high value of Geography within the schools she teaches; evidenced by an
ever increasing number of Senior Geography classes that produce excellent results.
Khya’s immense passion for the discipline of Geography has resulted in her contributing
to the professional learning of others across the network in various ways. She was an
author of the Powerful Geography books 1 and 2 for the NSW Stage 6 Geography
course. She has also worked in resource development for NESA and the Department of
Education for Geography in both 7-10 and Stage 6. Khya has presented lectures and
workshops annually at the NSW Geography Teachers Association of NSW and ACT
conference; providing professional learning on creative approaches to Geography unit
development and learning activities, the use of AI in the Geography classroom, explicit
teaching strategies for effective student evaluation and ways of formatively assessing
student skill and knowledge acquisition within Geography. Khya has also written for the
NSW Teachers Federation Centre for professional learning and has publications in the
NSWACT Geography Teachers Association bulletin.
As a result of these contributions to the Geography teaching network, Khya received the
prestigious NSW Geography Teachers Association of NSW and ACT Brock Rowe
teaching award in 2024. She believes that Geography is a fundamental subject for
students to learn about the complexities, challenges and opportunities for the future of
our ever-increasing globalised world.